Coming from the city:
Follow the Eckenheimer Landstraße in direction Eckenheim. About one kilometer past the intersection Eckenheimer Landstraße and Marbachweg the Eckenheimer Landstraße leads you to the right, away from the main street. You are now heading into Alt Eckenheim.
After approximately another kilometer you will observe the practice on the right hand side, situated two houses past the Frankfurter Sparkasse in a reddish house.

Coming from Eschersheim via Hügelstraße:
Follow the Hügelstraße in direction Eckenheim. When perceiving the car house Glöckler (VW/Audi) turn into the Karl-von-Drais-Straße. Stay on this street until it ends and turn left. You are now on the Eckenheimer Landstraße. On the right hand side you will observe the practice situated two houses past the Frankfurter Sparkasse in a reddish house.

Coming from Preungesheim:
Depending on from which part of Preungesheim you are coming we advise to use either the Sigmund-Freud-Straße, the Ronneburgstraße or the Marbachweg in direction Eckenheim.
Marbachweg: turn right into the Eckenheimer Landstraße. About one kilometer past the intersection Eckenheimer Landstraße and Marbachweg the Eckenheimer Landstraße leads you to the right, away from the main street. You are now heading into Alt Eckenheim. After approximately another kilometer you will observe the practice on the right hand side, situated two houses past the Frankfurter Sparkasse in a reddish house.
Ronneburgstraße: Follow the street into the Steinkleestraße which will lead you to the right. You will hit the Sigmund-Freud-Straße where you are advised to turn left. Follow the Sigmund-Freud-Straße up to the intersection Sigmund-Freud-Straße and Hügelstraße. Cross the intersection and continue into the Karl-von-Drais-Straße (straight ahead).
Stay on this street until it ends and turn left. You are now on the Eckenheimer Landstraße. On the right hand side you will observe the practice situated two houses past the Frankfurter Sparkasse in a reddish house.

Coming from the 661:

Coming from the A661 head for the left hand lane. At the first big intersection turn left into the Hügelstraße. When perceiving the car house Glöckler (VW/Audi) turn into the Karl-von-Drais-Straße. Stay on this street until it ends and turn left. You are now on the Eckenheimer Landstraße. On the right hand side you will observe the practice situated two houses past the Frankfurter Sparkasse in a reddish house.


Coming from the city:
Travel by the U5 and exit the subway Marbachweg. Walk up the Ecknheimer Landstraße in direction Eckenheim (about 10 to 15 minutes). If you are unable to walk travel by U1, U2, U3 and the Bus Number 39 via Hügelstraße (see below).

Coming from Eschersheim via Hügelstraße:
Travel by U1, U2 or U3 and exit Hügelstraße. Change into the Bus number 39 and exit Engelthalerstraße. Shortly before this stop the bus passes by the Eckenheimer Landstraße. On the left hand side of the street you will recognize the reddish house No. 340, which is the house the practice is in.

From Preungesheim / Berkersheim:
Travel by bus number 39 and exit Karl-von-Drais-Straße. Walk along Hügelstraße to intersection Hügelstraße and Eckenheimer Landstraße. When turning into the street you will observe the reddish house No. 340, which is the house the practice is in.